Sunday, January 14, 2007

Starting a little late...

Well, my new years resolution was to try to blog every day. Here is it, January 14, 2007 and I am just getting around to it. Heh. Oh well, better late than never. Im also new at this thing, so im hoping I dont bore you all to death with my lifes musings. I guess I will start off with telling you a little about me.

I live in Michigans Upper Peninsula in a town of 6000, Ironwood. Didnt know Michigan had an Upper Peninsula? Well, neither did I until my husband introduced me to it. I still havent forgiven him for it yet. LOL. We are concidered part of the mid-west, though by looking at a map of the US, i still dont understand THAT description. Ironwood sits on the border of Michigan and Wisconson. In fact, We are the western-most city in Michigan. I literally live 1.5 miles from Wisconsin. My kids LOVE the fact they can ride their bikes to another state.

Anyway, here I am, in THE coldest part of the United States. I moved here via Philadelphia, PA. via, Falls Church, VA. via San Diego, CA. Its a looong story, so dont even ask.
Here in the Upper Midwest, we are the land of the BIG.
Here in Ironwood, we have Hiawatha, the worlds tallest Indian.In Hurley(1.5 miles away), we have The worlds biggest corkscrew.
In Woodruff(35 miles away) we have the worlds largest penny.
Wisconsin also houses these "Worlds Largests...."
World's Largest Musky.
World's Largest Six Pack.
World's Largest High-Wheeler Bicycle.
World's Largest Round Barn.
World's Largest Packers Receiver.
World's Largest Grandfather Clock.
World's Largest Talking Cow.
World's Largest Loon.
Do some research, im sure you will find millions more. Well, i got a bit off track here with my worlds largest list hehe. I was leading towards something, but it seems to have slipped my mind for the time being. Oh...mostly I was leading to this fact...this place is boring. Other than our "largest" collections, there is not a lot to do here in the winter. Did I mention it is COLD!?!
Well a little more about me...Im a full time CNA, a full time mom of 4 boys, 3 dogs, and a husband. My mom lives around the corner above the store I own, NORDesignss. Its a small gift shop and boutique. I will post pics along the way of our place. Most of you who live in towns that are...lets say...WITH the times, will LOVE this place! Its got antiques, vintage, shabby chic, home decor, used jeans & T-shirts(most under $5) rockabilly & pet items. Its a labor of love and let me tell you...the labor has been looong and painful.LOL Well, thats it from me for now. I will hopefully be keeping with my new years resolution and blogging daily. Thanks for sharing!

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